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Gardening Class


Forest Kindergarten


An outdoor immersion program for ages 3.5+

Little Dreamers is dedicated to helping children grow and develop at their own pace through exploration. Delight, discovery, and adventure fill the days at Little Dreamers. We provide a nature immersion and one room school house program to foster physical, emotional and mental balance through an authentic connection with the God and the natural world. Rustling leaves, squishy mud, fragrant pine – we know intuitively and logically that the outdoors is the best place for our children. Every sense is stimulated by nature for optimal growth and development. Outdoor activity calms and balances excess energy. Indoor time provides a nice balance of acamdemics and play. Your children will sleep deeply and peacefully after a day of exploration....Children who spend more time outdoors are stronger and healthier as well.

Chicken Farm


Little Dreamer's philosophy is that children need to spend a large portion of their day outdoors to get the stimulation and natural learning experiences their bodies crave. We believe that hands-on experiential learning is the best approach to developing a healthy body and promoting higher thinking. Being outdoors provides them with not only fresh air, it encourages imaginative play, creativity, hand-eye coordination, balance, physical strength, mental clarity, promotes social skills, reduces stress, improves vision, and increases attention span. When children’s natural curiosity is encouraged, learning flows organically from stimuli encountered in the outdoors.

The general structure will include circle time, wilderness exploration, learning discussion and games. Little Dreamers provides a perfect launching point for growth and development in children.

Potato Sack Race


Ever-growing research tells us that Outdoor Nature-Based Learning supports whole-child development. Children are more physically active outside. They engage in more creative forms of discovery when in natural areas and engage in higher levels of cooperative play, developing the critical social-emotional skills needed to collaborate and negotiate in positive ways when conflict arises.


Being in nature promotes creativity, problem-solving, and intellectual development. The natural environment increases children’s ability to focus and enhances cognitive abilities. They are healthier and happier when offered regular opportunities for free and unstructured play outdoors, and natural settings enhance peace, self control, and self-discipline, as well as reduce stress. Learning in nature, children receive all the mental and physical health benefits of being outdoors, plus expanded and innumerable opportunities for social and emotional learning, language and literacy development, STEM learning, and engagement with the arts. In nature, the whole child grows


Liberty Learning Ministries


Roseville: 1529 Eureka Rd #110
Paradise: 6280 Clark Rd.

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